Bible Studies
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Can you imagine feeling so seen by Good that you can’t help but see others? The same way God does? Can you imagine your everyday, ordinary life having a significant eternal impact?
God has seen you. He’s chosen you. And He’s sent you. To see others clearly, and to help them feel seen.
A Parade of Hope!
John 3:16, one of the most famous verses in the Bible, in a 26-word parade of hope, beginning with God, ending with life, and urging us to do the same.
This is broad enough to support a churchwide campaign yet versatile enough to use for a weekend retreat or a six-session group study.
40 Days In the Word is designed to help you, your small group, and your congregation Love the Word, Learn the Word, and Live the Word like never before.
40 Days in the Word is a journey of eternal significance, as you and your church will learn how to be not only “hearers” of the Word, but also “doers” of God’s Word.
Scripture-based principles for every reader who wants to become God’s woman of excellence. For any woman who wants to achieve a growing relationship with God, develop an active partnership with her husband, and make her home into a spiritual oasis. Study guide included.
Leadership in the kingdom of God is different from leadership in the world. Kingdom leaders are people who lead like Jesus. They are servant leaders because they follow Jesus, who “did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45).Many churches struggle because they lack servant leaders. In too many churches today, head tables have replaced the towel and washbasin as symbols of leadership among God’s people. Jesus on Leadership can lead members of the body of Christ to apply biblical principles of servant leadership to all areas of their ministries.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and her friends teach about pursuing God’s pattern of discipleship. Through original skits and messages on Titus 2, you’ll be challenged to live (and thrive) in community. As we live out Christ’s beauty before a dying world, we adorn the gospel—together. 7 speakers. 14 sessions. One message: living out the beauty of the gospel together. 5 discs.
Disc 1
The Storm/Acts of Renewal (6:26)
- A Woman Adorned & Adorning/Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth (20:17) Wise Woman Bake Off/Acts of Renewal (9:41)
- Doctrine, You and Titus 2/Mary Kassian (19:50) Modeling/Acts of Renewal (4:35)
- Don’t Give UP on that Modeling Career/Susan Hunt (21:27)
Disc 2
Dorcas/Acts of Renewal (4:20)
- Grow Up and Step Up/SusanHunt (17:40) The Cooking Lesson/Acts of Renewal (10:49)
- Revival of Reverence/Mary Kassian (16:57) You Don’t Say/Acts of Renewal (9:14)
- You Don’s Say/Damaris Carbaugh (19:45)
Disc 3
Healing/Acts of Renewal (6:03)
- At Liberty/Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth (27:47) Pretty Okay Cafe/Acts of Renewal (8:35)
- A “Sophron” State of Mind/Mary Kassian (19:08) Purity/Acts of Renewal (7:46)
- Passionate about Purity/Dannah Gresh (27:30)
Disc 4
The VBS Meeting/Acts of Renewal (8:35)
- Taste of Heaven/Betsy Gomez (20:26) Marriage Till Death Do Us Part /Acts of Renewal (8:35)
- Need Help Lovin That Man/Dannah Gresh (23:14) Submit or Resist/Acts of Renewal (5:03)
- An Unexpected Blessings/Robyn McKelvy (21:29)
Disc 5
Motherhood/Acts of Renewal (7:06)
- Life Givers in Training/Robyn McKelvy (20:47) The Good Part/Acts of Renewal (7:21)
- Instruments of Grace/Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth (26:47) Bonus Interviews with Speakers
An Invitation to the Good Life
Amos is often called a prophet of doom. And when you begin to read his prophecy, it doesn’t take long to realize that nickname fits. On the surface, his prophecy doesn’t sound like a happy formula for the good life. However, every condemnation he gives serves as an invitation, a cry for us to “seek God and live” (Amos 5:4). You’ll be invited to live assured, faithful, chosen, humble, justly, prayerful, and hopeful. This kind of living will bring us and others around us peace and true prosperity.
Amos is promoting the God life, and, the God life is the good life!
DVD Set Includes:
- 2 DVDs with teaching videos, approximately 30 minutes per session
- Uncover the connection between the God life and the good life.
- Learn how God’s care for us prompts us to care for others.
- Break hope-stealing habits to reverse self-defeating choices.
- Unearth the gems hidden within one of the most overlooked books in the Bible.
Video Sessions:
- Introduction: The Good Life is the God Life (24:49)—Jennifer opens up the video teaching by setting the context for the study of the Book of Amos. She paints the picture of the place, people, and spiritual climate in which Amos was called to prophesy. She also gives us a glimpse of the invitations we will open during the study that will show how to truly live the good life.
- Invitation 1: Live Assured (35:40)—In the Session 2 video, Jennifer unpacks a story from Elijah’s life to remind us that even though we might feel surrounded, we can live assured because of God’s presence and protection.
- Invitation 2: Live Faithful (26:40)—The teaching in Session 3 challenges us to live faithful. Jennifer will share with us four facts about living faithful, including a charge to remain steadfast even when faithfulness costs.
- Invitation 3: Live Chosen (26:45)—Jennifer reminds us in the Session 4 video that we are to live chosen. And because we are chosen, we find our identity in Christ and that we are to be faithful stewards of that identity—living with integrity and purpose.
- Invitation 4: Live Humble (26:48)—We are to live humble. That’s the focus of the teaching in Session 5. Jennifer will stress that humility is not just an attribute or an attitude but an action. She gives three qualities of a humble woman we are to reflect.
- Invitation 5: Live Justly (30:25)—In Session 6, Jennifer helps us understand what it means to live justly. We will see that justice is not activism, but righteous action. And that we are to act justly publicly, privately, and perpetually.
- Invitation 6: Live Prayerful (27:58)—Session 7 teaching is a call to pray as Jennifer challenges us to live prayerfully. She shares three things we need to do if we’re going to be women who pray like Amos.
- Invitation 7: Live Hopeful (27:52)—The last invitation Jennifer will open for us is the call to live hopeful. She will proclaim that because our God is who He is, we are a people who can live with hope, regardless of what we encounter in this life.
At Deeper Still: The EVENT, three women explored their lives and the life of David. You’ll laugh with them, cry with them, and learn to love God with them. Lead women in a six week in-dept Bible study on the life of King David.
Do you take God at His Word, believing what He has told us, or do you just believe in His existence and the salvation He offers?
Beth Moore came face-to-face with this question well into adulthood. At first, her response to God was, “Lord, of course I believe in You. I’ve believed in You all my life.” Over time, the Holy Spirit led her to understanding He was saying, “I didn’t ask you to believe in Me. I asked you to believe Me.”
Based on Isaiah 43:10, Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith explores what it means to believe God. Through studying the lives of Abraham, Moses, and others from Hebrews 11 as examples of persons who believed God, Beth encourages women to deepen their own trust in God and receive a fresh word from Him. Join Beth for 10 life-changing weeks and learn to believe God!
You Are Christ’s Beloved
John the apostle must have thought he had seen everything. Having been with Jesus all the years of His ministry, John witnessed more miracles than he could count, saw more displays of power than he could comprehend, and experienced more love than he could fathom. John was there when Jesus turned the water to wine, offered living Water to the woman at the well, yielded to His Father’s will in the garden of gethsemane, and gave His life on a Roman cross. And one unforgettable morning young John outran Peter to his Savior’s empty tomb.
Yet God had more in stor for the Son of Thunder. As the other disciples were martyred one by one, John remained to write his sublime Gospel proclaiming Jesus’ identity as the eternal Word of God. In his three letters John left a legacy of divine love to ignite the passion of future believers. And while exiled on Patmos, John recorded His risen Lord’s glorious revelation of victory and hope.
John referred to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Just as Christ took John on a lifelong journey into the depths of His love, He will do the same for you. The Bridegroom’s love is unmatched and inexhaustible, and He is waiting to lavish it on you, His beloved.
In this verse-by-verse study of the Book of Hebrews, Jen Wilkin explores how God “provided something better for us” in the person of Jesus Christ (Heb. 11:40). Through stories of Old Testament heroes and practices, the author of Hebrews demonstrates how the new covenant is superior to the old and how Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of every promise. Explore familiar verses in context of the entire Bible, learning how to place your hope and faith in Christ alone.
(10 sessions)
Discover The Power of Christian Freedom
Beth considers Breaking Free her life message. This in-depth Bible study leads you through Isaiah 61:1-4 to discover the transforming power of Christian freedom by drawing parallels between the captive Israelites and the spiritual strongholds in our lives. First released in 1999, this updated edition includes 11 new video teaching messages, along with updated Bible study content and testimonies from women like you who have found freedom from their personal captivity. No matter what life stage you’re in or struggles you’re going through, if where you are isn’t where you want to be, don’t stay there. Break free.
Host a relaxing, chocolate-themed getaway for your next women’s retreat. . .
Focusing on God’s amazing grace, Cafe` Chocolat explores some of Jesus’ miracles, straight from the Bible, and helps women see how God is very much at work in the lives.
It’s designed to work the way you need it to! Whether that’s a small group, a large group, a single day, or a whole weekend-you’ll get instructions to make it work for you.
Lead Women to Grow Their Conversations with God!
Priscilla Shirer teaches how to make our time in God’s Word a two-way conversation with the Father. She’ll mentor your women as they develop their own conversations with God through Scripture.
Workbooks not available
Join Beth Moore and walk the shores of Thessalonica with this verse-by-verse Bible study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Children of the Day sheds light on the relationships shared by those who comprise the church. You’ll find helps for planning and promoting the study and instructions for conducting nine group sessions.
As you and Beth lead, your group will gain assurance their circumstances and conditions are not coincidental. God’s timing is impeccable! Whether they’re facing family crises, medical diagnoses, relationship troubles, doubts, or fears, they will receive encouragement for living the Christian life now and hope for when Christ returns.
“You are children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5
Ever wonder why some people seem to experience joy in their daily lives–even in the tough times–and others can’t seem to find it no matter how hard they search? Is a joy-filled life really possible? The answer is yes And it’s possible for every woman, no matter what her circumstances may be. In this inspiring book, Kay Warren teaches women what joy really is, where to find it, and how to choose it in the good times and the bad. With compassion and wisdom, she shows readers–even those who live with the constant companions of discouragement and depression–that true joy is deeper, richer, and more accessible than they might think. Perfect for small groups or individual reading, Choose Joy will empower women who feel like their emotions and well-being are at the mercy of others by helping them understand the life-giving truth that joy is within their grasp–every day.
Do women in your church find it easier to pray for their families and friends than for themselves? Hear this best-selling author’s insights about how personal petitions help women become the women their Creator intended them to be.
An in-depth, biblical study of the tabernacle in the wilderness-the fascinating account of its construction, the significance of its intricate design, its pivotal role in God’s eternal plan, the grand fulfillment of its purpose by Jesus Christ, and its variety of meanings fro woman’s walk with God today. As the study guides a woman to a more intimate relationship with God, she will learn more about His will for her life, His provision for her, her fellowship with Him, and her role as His priest in the world. Finally, she will be challenged to prepare her heart, like the holy of holies, to become a home for His love and glory – a dwelling place for the Most High God.
My sheep hear My voice. . .
If hearing God has seemed challenging, Priscilla Shirer invites you to explore a more intimate relationship with Him, one that can make hearing Him-His will, His heart, and His voice-your ongoing experience. Discover how you can listen with greater confidence, clarity, and discernment.
Expand Your Faith; Experience God’s Fire.
Elijah emerged as the voice of unapologetic truth during a time of national crisis and moral decline. His ministry was marked by tenacious faith and holy fire – the same kind you will need in order to remain steadfast in current culture. Join trusted Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer for a fresh look at Elijah and the difficult choices of obedience that kept him anchored, sharpened his faith, broadened his impact, and invited heaven’s fire to fall.
Is your preaching changing the hearts and lives of your people? Do you desire to become a better communicator to reach the lost in your community? Each weekend, 55 million people listen to 1 billion words in sermons given across America. Yet research shows that the #1 Complaint people have is that sermons are boring and don’t relate to their lives. The simple fact is that preaching makes or breaks a church. The bigger the church gets, the more important the pulpit becomes because it is the rudder of the ship. Where else do you get an hour of undivided attention with all these people on a weekly basis?
I am not ashamed, because I know the One I have believed in and am persuaded that He is able to guard what has been entrusted to m until that day. 2 Timothy 1:12
Final words can be compelling. In Paul’s final letter, he charged Timothy, his beloved son in the faith, to not be ashamed to fulfill God’s call on his life. In this 6-session Bible study, Beth Moore will challenge you to do the same.
Gd has a plan for you. He has entrusted you with the gospel message and has gifted you to carry it to the furthest reaches of this planet. He’s calling you to be His mighty servant, willing to face whatever difficulty you encounter as you carry out His mission.
The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today’s overloaded and stressed woman.
Esther, while a queen, lived as an outsider in a hostile environment. Women will learn strong lessons of faith, providence, and hope to equip them to live courageously “for such a time as this.”
Over the years, God has used the truths of Experiencing God to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. As a result, millions have come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for their lives.
This is the 2007 Study….It was updated in 2022
“When we fight back with joy, we awaken to the deepest reality of our identity as beloved, delightful children of God.”
—Margaret Feinberg
Great Joy Waits in Life’s Greatest Battles
Joy is stamped on coffee mugs, sewn onto decorative pillows—even displayed on dish soap. But what if there’s a deeper power and purpose to this mighty virtue?
Through vulnerable storytelling, a difficult diagnosis, and a good dose of humor, Margaret Feinberg reveals how joy is more than whimsy. It’s the weapon you can use to fight life’s battles. Fight Back With Joy will help you:
- Expand your joy threshold by awakening to God’s fierce love for you
- Escape fear and regret by applying biblical strategies to whatever crisis you’re facing
- Overcome depression as you reignite your imagination for laughter and celebration
- Discover freedom from the past by learning how to turn mourning into joy
- Rise above endless demands and become more winsome, cheerful, and thankful
No matter what your circumstances, you can practice defiant joy. When you do, you will embrace a life that’s richer and fuller than you’ve ever known before—a life radiant with joy.
What is the deep Cry of Your Heart
That ache in your soul that keeps you ups at night? The prayer you keep repeating? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it.
Many Christians today are daunted by the Bible, seeing the size and scope of Scripture as intimidating and overwhelming. The result is often a fragmented understanding of parts of the Bible, which leads us to view it through the lens of our individual stories, primarily looking for different verses or passages to help us live our everyday lives. But, in our search for personal truth, we fail to see how the entirety of Scripture works together to show a bigger story—God’s work to redeem and restore the entire world.
In From Beginning to Forever, Elizabeth Woodson guides you through the story of the Bible, showing how all 66 books combine to form one unified narrative. Weaving together the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation, this 8-session study shows the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how he invites us to be a part of it.
- Leader helps for group discussion
- 7 weeks of personal study to be completed between the 8 group sessions
- 8 teaching videos, approximately 30–35 minutes per session, available via redemption code for individual video-streaming access, printed in Bible study book
- Discover the deeper meaning and themes that run through Scripture.
- Recognize that you are being formed by the stories you believe and shaped by God’s story.
- Come away with a greater understanding of who God is in every part of the Bible.
- Cultivate a new framework/lens/perspective for future Bible study.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: Introduction (14:46)—Elizabeth sets the stage for the study in Session 1 by discussing the importance of story. She will discuss some of the false stories people live their lives by, and challenge us to live our lives according to Scripture, the only story that goes from beginning to forever.
- Session 2: The Creation & Corruption of the Kingdom (31:50)—The beginning of a story matters. That’s what Session 2 video teaching emphasizes. Elizabeth will share what we learn about God and humanity in the beautiful story of creation. Then we’ll see how sin tears at the fabric of creation and corrupts God’s kingdom. But there’s hope of restoration even in the tragedy.
- Personal Story: Live for God’s Glory (1:48)—Elizabeth reminds us that we are created not for ourselves, but for God’s glory.
- Session 3: A Promise to Restore the Kingdom (31:26)—Session 3 teaching focuses on God establishing for Himself a people who would proclaim His name among all nations. He chooses to do this through a man named Abraham. We’ll follow the story of Abraham and his descendants as they find themselves enslaved in Egypt, are delivered, and then stand on the brink of the promised land.
- Personal Story: Steps of Faith (2:19)—Elizabeth shares how her journey to Dallas required her to trust in the faithfulness of God.
- Session 4: A Divided Kingdom (36:15)—The teaching in Session 4 begins with God’s people moving into the promised land. Elizabeth will show how they experienced the triumph of conquest and the tragedy of compromise. Leadership is the name of the game in this section of study as Joshua, judges, then kings, lead God’s people. Their flawed leadership, even in the best of times, will show us the need for the true King to come.
- Personal Story: Live Prepared (1:59)—Elizabeth uses the story of a strange Christmas gift to remind us that our best way to deal with sin is to be alert and prepared for it.
- Session 5: Life in the Kingdom (29:23)—Elizabeth pauses the timeline in the Session 5 teaching as she takes us through the wisdom literature of the Bible to illustrate life in the kingdom of God. She’ll also give us an overview of the prophets—those God used as His mouthpiece to call His people back to Himself and point them toward the coming King.
- Personal Story: Keep Showing Up (2:04)—Elizabeth explains that who God calls us to be and what God calls us to do does not change with our circumstance. Regardless of what we face, we have to keep showing up.
- Session 6: The Arrival of the King (30:27)—In Session 6 we see how the true King arrives in the form of a baby. God the Son becomes flesh and dwells with us. Elizabeth explains how Jesus walked the earth to proclaim God’s Kingdom has come, then gave His life as a sinless sacrifice for our salvation. But that’s not the end of the story. He was resurrected and is now our living Savior and Lord.
- Personal Story: Hanging Out with Jesus (1:26)—Elizabeth points out that we are always shaped by the person or things we give our time and attention to. She urges us to abide with Jesus and be transformed by Him.
- Session 7: The Kingdom Community (22:04)—Session 7 teaching shows how after Jesus’ resurrection, the Holy Spirit arrives and establishes a new community of God’s people called the church. Elizabeth will show us how the church was established and nurtured through the work of Paul and others. We’ll take a glimpse at how the letters of these early church leaders outlined the gospel faith that we still live by today.
- Personal Story: Accept the Help (2:14)—Elizabeth reminds us that God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us live the holy life we’re called to and accomplish His purpose.
- Session 8: The Kingdom is Restored (23:10)—Elizabeth closes the study by taking a quick look into the book of Revelation. We’ll see how this vision John received cryptically reveals how this age will close. Jesus will come as a conquering king and will ultimately destroy Satan, sin, and death, and then welcome us into the place He has prepared for those of us who have followed Him. The kingdom of God will be restored and we will live with Him forever.
- Personal Story: How the Story Ends (1:48)—Elizabeth reminds us that we don’t have to be worried or afraid about the future because we know how the story ends.
“Every single one of us has a very vivid, very specific outpouring of ministry we were placed on this planet to accomplish.” – Beth Moore.
Have you asked yourself? What does it mean, or what does it take to fulfill my ministry? Are you ready to set your life goal in your holy calling? Explore 2 Timothy 4 with Beth and learn how to fulfill your ministry.
What are the most important issues facing Men today, and what does the “Average Joe” really need to know to be victorious in the Game of Life?
Take a tour of the Joe Gibbs Racing facility as you journey with Coach Gibbs through a six-week experience designed to help you win the game of life. Three-time Super Bowl champion, NFL Hall of Fame inductee, and tree-time NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs has assembled a team of experts to tackle the key areas of life a man needs to gasp in order to be victorious. Based on a national survey, the Gibbs team has identified the eleven most important issues facing men today. In volume 1 of Game Plan for Life: Group Edition, we’re going to dive into six of those eleven issues.
What are the most important issues facing Men today, and what does the “Average Joe” really need to know to be victorious in the Game of Life?
Take a tour of the Joe Gibbs Racing facility as you journey with Coach Gibbs through a six-week experience designed to help you win the game of life. Three-time Super Bowl champion, NFL Hall of Fame inductee, and tree-time NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs has assembled a team of experts to tackle the key areas of life a man needs to gasp in order to be victorious. Based on a national survey of 700 men as well as Coach’s conversations with thousands of men, the Gibbs team has identified has identified the eleven most important issues facing men today. In volume 2 of Game Plan for Life: Group Edition, we’re going to dive into the remaining issues.
Hose a refreshing, garden-themed experience for your next women’s retreat!
The Garden Getaway Retreat Director’s Kit is your retreat planner in a box. It will lead you step by stem in planning, recruiting, training, promoting, and leading your retreat. Whether you’re a dedicated volunteer or a professional women’s ministry leader, you can plan and implement a fantastic retreat!
Women will explore Ecclesiastes 3 and see how God is at work in each season of their lives.
Most of all, it’s all-inclusive! the Garden Getaway Retreat Director’s Kit leads your team in creating an experience filled with Bible study, music, laughter, worship, quiet reflection with God, and good times with friends. What could be better?
Do you feel overwhelmed? Inexperienced? Intimidated? Insufficient?
Gideon’s story involves far more than a wet fleece and a battle won with 300 soldiers. His epic victory actually tells of one man’s struggle with his own weakness–and the One True God who transformed it into triumph.
So if you’ve ever struggled with insecurity or had trouble accepting your limitations, this study will help you see how God can use your weakness to unlock His strength. Yes, Gideon can attest–weakness is a gift.
Discover How God Orchestrates Everything for His Glory
There are no minor characters in the story of God.
Beginning with Genesis 12, walk alongside the fathers of our faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—to discern Jesus in the stories of His people.
Over 10 sessions, discover how God orchestrates everything for His glory and the good of His people, and see how the God of creation and covenant is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
See How God Reveals Himself Through Scripture
A 10-Session Study in Genesis from Author and Speaker Jen Wilkin
It all began with the Word.
The opening chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and rest after toil—all through the power of His Word.
Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse study, dive into Genesis 1-11 by following three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, challenge your basic knowledge, and discover deeper meanings in the text. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we can only begin to understand ourselves when we first glimpse the character, attributes, and promises of our Creator.
How can I position myself to hear God’s voice?
Why do we settle for the Word of the Lord revealed to someone else and passed on to us as if God does not speak to us individually? This shouldn’t satisfy us. In He Speaks to Me, Priscilla Shirer shows us how God spoke to Samuel and how He speaks to Christians today. He wants us to hear His voice, understand, and obey. The Lord desires to speak to us personally. He wants to meet us where we are despite who we are and reveal His will for our lives.
God is going to reveal Himself and His plan for you and in new ways. Make a commitment to be obedient to whatever He says. The results will be glorious!
Heaven. Who goes there? Where is it? What will we do there? Questions like these arise when we consider an eternal future beyond this physical life. How can we know the truth about what comes next?
In this 7-session video-based study, Jennifer Rothschild explores the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective. She will separate what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. As you walk through the study, you’ll not only gain a deeper understanding of what God has prepared for His children, but also learn how to live with confidence today as you look forward to the glorious unending that awaits. Don’t just wonder about Heaven—embrace it with a faith that turns anticipation into excitement and peace.
- 7 video teaching sessions, approximately 25–30 minutes, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book
- 6 weeks of personal study to be completed between the 7 group sessions
- Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
- Dispel the myths and media-influenced images of heaven to gain a biblical understanding of this essential truth.
- Unveils the truth about heaven.
- Discover answers to some of your deepest and most pressing questions about heaven.
- Refine your eternal perspective so you can see beyond this day, this problem, and this situation.
- Realize how your hope for tomorrow should shape how you live today.
It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.
But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word.
Join Tara-Leigh Cobble in this 7-session study as she breaks down the intimidating doctrine of the Trinity. You’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of our Triune God that will transform how you relate to Him. Understanding God’s three-in-oneness and each of the Persons of God individually—Father, Son, and Spirit—will lead you to deeper intimacy with God and greater joy in knowing Him!
Leader Kit Includes:
- One Bible study book with personal study segments to complete among 7 weeks of group sessions and leader helps to lead discussion within small groups
- 2 DVDs with enriching teaching videos, approximately 15–20 minutes per session
- Card with 3 additional digital downloads of teaching videos and extra leader resources
- Discover and better understand an intimidating doctrine that is so vital to our faith.
- Explore the Trinity as a whole and examine the role and work of each Person of the Trinity individually.
- Understand how to apply the truth of who God is in the Trinity to your everyday life and how you can relate to Him.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: Introduction (19:14)—In the Session 1 video, Tara-Leigh sets the stage for this study by helping us understand how essential the doctrine of the Trinity is to our faith. She also takes a few moments to explain the different elements and layout of the study.
- Session 2: Unity & Diversity (18:32)—Tara-Leigh introduces the three foundations of the Trinity in Session 2, and she explains how God, through progressive revelation has revealed Himself to humanity—one essence but three Persons.
- Session 3: God the Father (21:08)—The Session 3 video focuses on God the Father. Tara-Leigh discusses how the Father relates to the Son and the Spirit inside the Trinity, and how He relates to us. She shares how God the Father has always been the Father, even before He was Creator, but that He only becomes our Father after we place faith in Jesus.
- Session 4: God the Son (16:08)—In Session 4, Tara-Leigh turns our attention to the second Person of the Trinity, God the Son. She emphasizes that the Son has eternally existed, but became Jesus at conception. As Jesus, the Son was fully God and fully man, and lived the perfect life and died the sacrificial death for our redemption.
- Session 5: God the Spirit (19:15)—The Holy Spirit is perhaps the most mysterious Person of the Trinity, He’s also the focus of the Session 5 video. Tara-Leigh explains that the Spirit has also eternally existed with the Father and the Son, and that He is a He, not an inanimate power source. The Spirit is the presence of God in every believer, sanctifying us and sealing us for eternity.
- Session 6: Prayer & Communication (21:12)—In Session 6, Tara-Leigh shows how God is a relational God and how important it is that we communicate to Him through prayer. She states that prayer is a relational endeavor and that a key to good communication with God is seeing Him for who He really is.
- Session 7: In His Image (13:12)—In the closing session, Tara-Leigh shows us the beauty of the gospel, and she shares that without the Trinity, there is no gospel. She discusses how we who have been redeemed now have the responsibility to share that gospel with the world.
Here and Now, There and Then: A Lecture Series on Revelation – Listening Guide & Weekly Assignments (A Beth Moore DVD Study)
Here and Now…There and Then by Beth Moore is a lecture series on the book of Revelation. Beth presents many points of view, allowing women to decide for themselves when the interpretation varies among scholars. She teaches that God is as specific about what He does reveal as He is about what He does not reveal. Each of the 11 sessions is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. The set includes 11 DVDs and one listening guide with light homework.
The Hosea Leader Kit contains everything you’ll need to lead this study: 1 small group Member Book with leader helps; 2 DVDs which include a video content for six sessions, a message to leaders, and a promotional video to help spread the word about the study.
The book of Hosea—it’s a deeply personal and passionate love story, yet it’s a difficult story. As an account full of harsh judgment unfolds, we find in its midst a rare and pure gem: the truest and purest of loves.
Hosea, an old-testament prophet, preached his own life message using his marriage as the sermon illustration. The study of Hosea looks deeply at that message. It provides background to better understand the intricacies of the man and his message. You’ll be guided to understand, but more especially to apply the message of the prophet of love.
The book will challenge us with judgment so harsh it will singe our hair—an unheeded sermon warning of devastating doom shortly to come. But it will show us the kind of love we dream about. Be amazed by the love of Hosea for his wayward spouse—and more amazed by the unfailing love of God for His wayward people, and for all people. Hosea showers us with hope—hints and portents pointing to the coming of the promised Messiah.
Interruptions. They’re aggravating. Sometimes infuriating. But how we handle interruptions actually tell us more about ourselves. What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! Priscilla redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God’s invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city.
Leader Kit includes:
- One Bible study book with personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions and leader guide to lead discussion within small groups
- 2 DVDs with enriching teaching videos, approximately 7–47 minutes per session
- Card with 3 additional digital downloads of teaching videos
- Redefine interruption as God’s invitation to do something new in your life.
- Hand over your aspirations to God.
- Learn to hold onto your own plans loosely in case God calls you elsewhere.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: (41:46)—Like Jonah, we too have an interrupted life. When we see God’s action as divine intervention rather than life interruption, we begin to experience the significant life God has for us.
- Session 2: (47:58)—Priscilla shows how the interrupted life is also a challenging life. If God has called you to it, He will equip you for it and give you the strength to handle the challenge.
- Session 3: (32:19)—In this session we find Jonah sitting in the belly of the fish calling out to God. Priscilla reminds us that divine interruptions have a way of shaking us, but God desires to respond to us in our time of need.
- Session 4: (34:33)—After Jonah has been released from the belly of the fish, the Lord speaks to the prophet again. Priscilla reminds us we serve the God who gives us second chances.
- Session 5: (42:02)—Jonah finally responds in obedience to go and preach God’s message to the Ninevites. Like Jonah, you will find God’s divine anointing and see supernatural results when you respond to His movement.
- Session 6: (36:49)—In this session we see Jonah become angry with God because of the grace He offers the Ninevites. Priscilla unpacks how God is gracious and has your best interests in mind even in frustrating and upsetting circumstances.
- Session 7: (7:07)—In this short session Priscilla concludes the study of Jonah with some questions and discussion about what we do as a result of the truth we have heard.
In this six-session video Bible study, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst offers a safe place to share your disappointments, fresh biblical insight to get you through painful situations, and life-giving perspectives for living between Eden and eternity.
Life often looks very different than we hoped or expected. Some events may simply catch us off guard for a moment, but others shatter us completely. At times like these, it’s easy to feel disappointed and disillusioned and to wonder about the reality of God’s goodness.
So what do you do when God’s timing seems questionable, his lack of intervention hurtful, and his promises doubtful?
Lysa understands this deeply. But she’s also discovered that our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. In this video Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Lysa invites small groups and individuals into her own journey of faith. With vulnerability and honest humor, she helps us:
- Learn how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations.
- Train ourselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so we can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes.
- Discover the secret of remaining trustful when God seems to give us more than we can handle.
- Shift our suspicion that God is cruel or unfair to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing us for what’s next.
- Know how to encourage a friend and help her navigate hard realities with real help from God’s truth.
Bible scholars compare James to the prophet Amos. In other ways James more closely resembles the Book of Proverbs than any New Testament book. Come along with Beth Moore on a journey to get to know both the man and the Book of James. You will never be the same again.
Leader Kit Includes:
- Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
- Personal study segments to complete between 8 weeks of group sessions
- Eight teaching videos, approximately 60 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
- Be inspired to put your faith into action in practical ways.
- Understand the power of the resurrection.
- Plug into your community to meet the needs of those around you.
Lifeway eBooks can be read on your computer, smartphone, or tablet at Simply sign in using the email address and password that were used to purchase your eBook to find it in your library.
When viewed on, you can type and save your answers to study questions within this eBook. In addition, you have the ability to see Scripture pop-ups when clicking or hovering over Scripture references.
Based primarily on the Book of Luke, this study is a careful examination of the life of Christ. You will be introduced to an intimate Savior as you get a close-up and personal portrait of the life of Jesus the Messiah.
You’ll see Jesus come to a funeral and raise the dead, confront conniving religious leaders, teach on a hillside, and even walk on the waves.
- Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
- Personal study segments to complete between 11 weeks of group sessions
- Eleven essential teaching videos, approximately 60 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
- Dive deep into the Book of Luke.
- Gain fresh understanding of the parables of Jesus.
- Discover what it means for you that Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh.
Have you ever tried to fight worry with faith and felt you were losing the battle? Have comments like “God’s got this!” or “Just pray about it” only left you feeling more burdened? We know we shouldn’t worry, but the reality is that we all do at times. Whether it’s personal worries about loved ones and daily circumstances or broader concerns about what’s happening in the world, we long for something more than platitudes that will help us put real feet to our faith and win the worry battle.
Many Christians do not have a full understanding of what it means to fight the good fight of faith. They try to live by faith but in the face of everyday trials and failures, they find themselves disillusioned and discouraged, wondering if they have done something wrong or if living by faith only works for others. The problem for most is simply a lack of understanding regarding what faith is and how it works.
Winning the Worry Battle, inspired by the Book of Joshua, reviews three tools a person can develop to Fight In Faith: 1) embracing God’s promises, 2) courage and commitment under pressure and 3) practicing radical obedience while waiting for God to deliver your victory.
Just as God gave His people victory over their enemies when they fought in faith, He promises to do the same for us. Following the footprints of bold, courageous faith that God gave His people, we’ll be equipped with tools to bravely fight in faith and overcome both our daily struggles and the bigger battles we all face. Through examples of how God gave the Israelites victory over their enemies and generously blessed them, too, we’ll be victorious in our fight of faith so that we not only radically transform our own lives but unequivocally impact society.
While often overlooked, the Book of Jude remains as relevant today as the time it was written. God has commanded His beloved church to do the necessary work of contending for the faith in a world of unbelief, and as we do, He will keep us from falling into the same deception. In this 7-session study from Jackie Hill Perry, dive into themes of being called, loved, and kept, and learn how to point others to Jesus in grace and truth. We serve others well when we share the whole gospel with them, not just the parts deemed attractive by our culture.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: Jude 1-2 (15:22)—In this opening session, Jackie points out that the Christians to whom Jude writes his letter are much like us today. Like those early believers, we are in need of mercy, peace, and love in order to contend for the faith.
- Session 2: Jude 3-4 (15:31)—Jude writes out of love but confronts the problems among believers. He appeals to Christians to contend for the faith in love among false teachers, those who twist the Scriptures, and those who are ungodly.
- Session 3: Jude 5-11 (17:10)—We see examples from the Old Testament of false teachers and those who did not believe. There are certain character traits among those who rebel against God and suffer the resulting consequences.
- Session 4: Jude 14-15 (19:08)—This session reminds believers that God will judge all. God is aware of all that we are doing. The ungodly are no different from us except for God’s grace and kindness. We are to contend for the faith due to the urgency we sense for others to repent. People need the whole gospel.
- Session 5: Jude 20-23 (13:45)—Christians are always searching for advice on how to enter into difficult conversations. What we need first are instructions on how to live. Jude tells believers what they need to know to stay anchored in their faith and share biblical answers to life’s tough questions.
- Session 6: Jude 24-25 (20:21)—Jude ends his letter with praise and focus on God. God is going to be faithful to keep you, and to keep you standing because of Jesus. Jude reminds believers that God is the only God and our Savior. All glory, majesty, dominion, and authority are God’s alone for all time.
- Session 7: Wrap-up (8:06)—Jude is a small book but is full of information and power. God has a lot to say to His people through Jude as they contend for the faith. The way we contend for the faith matters.
What if you knew that by simply crossing the room and saying hello to someone, you could change that person’s forever? Just a few steps to make an eternal difference. It has nothing to do with methods and everything to do with taking a genuine interest in another human being. All you need is a heart that’s in tune with the Holy Spirit and a willingness to venture out of your “Circle of Comfort” and into another person’s life. Just Walk Across the Room brings personal evangelism into the twenty-first century. Building on the solid foundation laid in Becoming a Contagious Christian, Bill Hybels shows how you can participate in the model first set by Jesus, who stepped down from heaven 2,000 years ago to bring hope and redemption to broken people living in a fallen world. Now it’s your turn. Your journey may not be as dramatic, but it can have a life-changing impact for someone standing a few steps away from you—and for you as well, as you learn the power of extending care, compassion, and inclusiveness under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The highest value in personal evangelism is cooperating with the Spirit, says Hybels. This means playing only the role you’re meant to play—walking when the Spirit says to walk, talking when he says to talk, and falling silent when he suggests that you’ve said enough. Hybels encourages you to “live in 3D” … Developing friendships Discovering stories Discerning appropriate next steps … as a means of learning to understand the Holy Spirit’s promptings. With fresh perspectives from his own reflections and experiences collected during his most recent decade of ministry, Bill Hybels shows with convincing and inspiring clarity the power of this personal, richly relational approach to evangelism. The stakes are high. The implications are eternal. And you may be only a conversation away from having an eternal impact on someone’s life—if you will just walk across the room.
The world is obsesssed with power. But the Bible reveals the most awesome power of all: that of Kingdom Authority, the same power unleashed when God raised Jesus Christ from the grave. The good news is that this same power, the greatest power in the universe, is available to every believer today. But most Christians never experience this power. They live in darkness and defeat of the world and its weaknesses. Satan and his minions work to keep them from the inheritance that is theirs. But Adrian Rogers, beloved Bible teacher and preacher of the gospel, can show readers how to experience the awesome power of God’s working in the world to build his kingdom.
The GOSPEL Explored
7 Session Youth Group DVD Curriculum
Diving deep into a simple message.
The gospel is a simple message containing profound truth. As we plumb its depths, the gospel’s transformational power floods into our lives and overflows to the world around us.
In Life in 5 Words, Dare 2 Share’s Greg Stier and spoken word artist Jason Petty, dive deep into the theology of the gospel, unpacking core theological terms and concepts every follower of Jesus needs to grasp. Each of the sessions in the curriculum unpacks the gospel message, practically and powerfully, focusing on one word of Life in 6 Words.
As a result of marinating on these transforming truths, your teenagers will be made ready to declare life, yes LIFE, to everyone around them by sharing this good news out of a renewed understanding.
Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit – Leader Kit by Beth Moore helps a leader facilitate this women’s Bible study experience and contains all that is needed to conduct the 10 weeks of small group time. Join Beth in a study of the fruit of The Holy Spirit as presented in the book of Galatians. Beth walks participants through each trait listed in the fruit and encourages women to know the freedom of a Spirit-filled life. Through this study participants will look at the supernatural aspects of the fruit and that you cannot grow, learn, or produce the fruit on your own. Beth challenges you to develop the fruit by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Spirit of God. A Spirit-filled life truly results in living beyond yourself.
The Leader Kit includes:
- One Bible study book with personal study segments to complete between 11 weeks of group sessions and leader guide to lead discussion within small groups
- 6 DVDs with enriching teaching videos, approximately 61-70 minutes per session
- Card with 3 additional digital downloads of teaching videos
- Contains subtitles for the hearing impaired
Video Sessions:
- Introductory Session: (64:00)—In this session, Beth introduces the foundational truth of the study: that Jesus Christ in us not only guarantees life in Heaven but also Jesus Christ in us grants the astounding invitation to live beyond ourselves on earth. We have the same Holy Spirit in us that the disciples had in them, and God has called us to live far beyond what we are able to do on our own.
- Session 1: Free at Last (68:00)—Beth looks at the basic practices that make life in the Spirit possible for any believer.
- Session 2: To Live by the Spirit (63:00)—Beth discusses how the Holy Spirit teaches us and leads us even in the gray ambiguity of life if we are willing to listen and discern Him. The power of the Holy Spirit can develop within us: heightened perception, discernment, and insight.
- Session 3: Greatest of These Is Love (67:00)—Beth looks at the first quality of the Fruit of Christ’s Spirit which is love. Love is a feel-good word, but feeling love is not always easy. In fact, apart from the Holy Spirit, love can at times be impossible.
- Session 4: The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength (61:00)—Beth looks at the fruit trait of joy. As Christians, we’re literally commanded to rejoice. And in Jesus Christ, we always have a reason.
- Session 5: Peace Be with You (62:00)—Beth discusses what true peace making is all about. Isaiah 9:6-7 gives Christ the title of Prince of Peace, and peace is always associated with authority.
- Session 6: A Composite of Peculiar Patience (69:00)—Beth explores the complication of patience, the call to patience, and the completion of patience.
- Session 7: The Kindness and Goodness of God (66:00)—Beth discusses the quality of goodness against the backdrop of God’s kindness.
- Session 8: Keep Believin’ (67:00)—Beth discusses how without faith, it is impossible to please God and invites participants to have the same heart cry as the disciples in Luke 17:5 – increase our faith.
- Session 9: Gentle Giants (66:00)—Beth looks at what God has to say from the pages of Scripture about gentleness.
- Session 10: The Crucible of Self-Control (70:00)—Beth shares that to bear the fruit of the Spirit is to manifest the personality of Jesus Christ Himself. Christ in us, the hope of glory, that’s living beyond yourself.
Lord, Teach Me to Pray: Practicing a Powerful Pattern of Prayer – Leader Kit by Kay Arthur helps a leader facilitate this women’s Bible study experience and contains all that is needed to conduct the 5 sessions of small group time. Learn what the Lord’s Prayer teaches us about effective prayer and how to put into practice its timeless principles. Kay will equip you to be used in God’s kingdom. Her authority comes from God’s Word; her compassion stems from a life touched by deep tragedy as well as great triumph. Getting to know her heart for God will be one of the joys of this study. What you learn will be yours to practice for a lifetime, just as Jesus intended when He taught His disciples how to pray.
Leader Kit includes:
- Two DVDs containing five teaching segments, promo video, and bonus content
- One Workbook with Leader Guide and Teaching Session Viewer Guides
Series includes: DVD kit with seven 30-minute lessons, 3-minute promo spot, 15-minute preview, CD kit with seven 30-minute lessons on audio, one 120-page Loved by God Workbook (see below), and 32-page Leader Guide.
What does it mean to be loved by God? Does the Lord love us when we are unlovable? When others reject us, is God’s love enough? Liz Curtis Higgs provides the answers in a unique, heart-changing way, bringing to life the ancient stories of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel verse by verse from Genesis 25 and 27-29 in a 7-week study.
Loving Well Retreat in a Box by Beth Moore features four heart-to-heart messages designed to help women embrace the biblical mandate to love and to develop skills for loving others. Great for a weekend retreat or anytime you need a four-session women’s Bible study. These DVD-based messages include bonus footage featuring fun, laugh-out-loud retreat ideas for skits and games from Beth and Living Proof Live worship leader Travis Cottrell.
Taped at a Living Proof Live event, Beth discusses how some people are a joy to love, some are difficult to love, and how we all deal with some people who are humanly impossible to love. In all of those relationships one truth endures: We will never be able to love others well until we have been loved well. And only God can ultimately give us the complete love we so desperately need.
Everything you need for the study is included in the kit.
- 2 DVDs (4 teaching sessions plus bonus content with promo and retreat ideas)
- 1 CD-ROM (Leader Guide, Small-group Facilitator Guide, Handouts, Skits, Icebreakers, and Posters)
- Invitation Postcards
- Promotional Posters (11 x 17)
- Journal for personal devotions to use as a follow-up after the retreat or study. The 28-Day Journal accompanies Beth’s video teaching sessions and will help you to reflect on and apply the principles of the study. (Also sold separately)
Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
What would happen if you started listening to your cravings instead of trying to silence them? If you’re tired of the same old messages of eat less and move more, this book is what you’ve been missing. You know “how to” get healthy… but now there’s finally a book to help you find your “want to”- the lasting emotional and spiritual motivation to meet your goals and stay healthy.
The reality is we were made to crave. Craving isn’t a bad thing. But we must realize God created us to crave more of him. Many of us have misplaced that craving by overindulging in physical pleasures instead of lasting spiritual satisfaction. New York Times bestselling author of Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, Uninvited, and The Best Yes, Lysa TerKeurst, invites you to find the missing link between a woman’s desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that happen. In this book, Lysa will help you:
- Break the cycle of “I’ll start again Monday” and feel good about yourself today.
- Stop agonizing over numbers on the scale and make peace with your body.
- Replace rationalizations that lead to failure with wisdom that leads to victory.
- Reach your healthy goals and grow closer to God through the process.
This is not a how-to book. This is not the latest and greatest dieting plan. This book is the necessary companion for you to use alongside whatever healthy lifestyle plan you choose. This is a book and Bible study to help you find the “want to” in making healthy lifestyle choices.
In this six-session small group bible study, Lysa Terkuerst’s , Made to Crave, Lysa helps you discover how to put into action, those things you learned through the Made to Crave book and small group study.
Trying to get healthy can seem overwhelming and complicated. Eat carbs… don’t eat carbs. Eat fish… don’t eat fish. Pay attention to calories… don’t pay attention to calories. All this conflicting information can be daunting and confusing.
But it all becomes clear in the Made to Crave Action Plan. It will help you implement a long-term plan of action for healthy living. You’ll be encouraged by Bible teaching from Lysa, uplifted by testimonies from women like Christian music chart-topper Mandisa, and empowered with healthy living tips from Dr. Ski Chilton, an expert in molecular medicine – all while charting a permanent course for successful, healthy living.
This curriculum will help women who found their “want to” by participating in the Made to Crave study master the “how to” of living a healthy physical life as well as cultivate a rich and full relationship with God. Made to Crave Action Plan gives women of all ages Biblical encouragement for both their physical and spiritual journeys plus healthy living tips for use in their everyday lives.
Sessions include:
- TAKE ACTION: Identify Your First Steps (27:00)
- EAT SMART: Add Fish and Increase Fiber (26:00)
- EMBRACE THE EQUATION: Exercise and Reduce Calories (30:00)
- MAXIMIZE KEY NUTRIENTS: Increase Nutrient-Rich Fruits and Veggies (29:00)
- PRACTICE THE FIVE PRINCIPLES: Keep Working Your Plan (24:00)
- MAKE A COURAGEOUS CHOICE: Direct Your Heart to Love and Perseverance (25:00)
Designed for use with the Made to Crave Action Plan Video Study (sold separately), to further encourage group discussion, document your personal journey toward healthy living, and to reference the quick healthy living tips that will help make your journey a success.
Words are powerful. Especially the words women speak to themselves. All too often, what they say to themselves when they lie in bed at night or look in the mirror in the morning is not even close to the words God wants them to speak to their souls. This 7-session study will encourage you to clean out the junk in your mind and replace hidden negative thoughts with positive truths from God’s Word.
- Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
- Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions
- Teaching videos, approximately 30 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent
- Identify the negativity in your daily inner dialogue.
- Look to Scripture for wisdom about who you are in Christ.
- Internalize positive truths from God’s Word.
Quest for Authentic Manhood
The Quest for Authentic Manhood is the original curriculum in the Men’s Fraternity series. A captivating journey composed of 24 sessions, this series helps men understand their masculine identity and shows them how to make the pursuit of authentic manhood a lifelong priority that is incorporated into the fabric of their everyday lives. It offers a clear definition of what a man is and challenges each man to develop his own personalized manhood plan.
real hope when life doesn’t make sense
Have you ever asked these questions? Does God care? Is He fair? Is He even there? Your questions can be the missing pieces that help you really know God.
As a woman who has lived with blindness all of my adult life, I’ve also asked, “God, do you hear my prayer for healing?” “Did you make a mistake?”
Here’s what I know. God’s ways don’t always make sense, but He is trustworthy.
That’s why I’m so grateful you’re here to learn more about my Bible study, Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense. When you join me for this seven-session video-based Bible study, you’ll learn to:
- experience unexpected peace in spite of unexpected heartache.
- move forward when you feel stuck in your circumstances.
- strengthen your faith when you feel beat down by life.
- trust God more than your feelings.
And, sister, through this study, you will strengthen your faith and deepen your walk with God, no matter what questions you’re facing.
Nehemiah’s heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. Like Kelly’s other studies in the Living Room Series, you’ll find authentic Bible teaching, recipes, and a relational approach. Nehemiah also includes 7 video sessions and real-life ways to put feet to your faith. Are you ready to let God break your heart for a hurting, lost world and move you in compassion to be the hands and feet of Jesus?
- Leader helps
- Study includes recipes and a relational approach
DVD Set Includes:
- 2 DVDs with seven enriching teaching videos, approximately 13–25 minutes per session
Video Sessions:
- Session 1 (22:10)—In this opening session Kelly introduces Nehemiah, along with some history and background about how she began studying this book. The key message to this study is that Nehemiah had a heart that could break for the people. This session ends with an interview with Gloria Santos, who works with Ray of Hope in the Amazon.
- Session 2 (20:24)—The message of sacrifice and giving in this study is not just for other people, it is for us. Kelly reminds us that it is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance and leads us to love others better. This session interview introduces Kelly’s sister Katie and highlights what she learned from her trip to the Amazon.
- Session 3 (20:07)—Nehemiah led the effort to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem so that his people would not be in disgrace. Only God can take away our disgrace, but we can be Christ’s ambassadors and ministers of reconciliation to a hurting world around us. This session concludes with an interview with Kelly’s family about serving together.
- Session 4 (21:31)—This session explores the sacrifices Nehemiah made for this project. He identified with the people and made him the better because of it. The Lord taught Kelly this in her life as well; it is a blessing to empty yourself and identify with those in need. Kelly also interviews Pastor John and his wife Maria from the Amazon.
- Session 5 (19:23)—An important part of the story of Nehemiah is the reading of the Book of Law to the people. In this session Kelly discusses this momentous occasion as well as how valuable the Word of God is in our own lives. The session concludes with an interview with Kelly’s friend Carissa who just adopted a baby girl from China.
- Session 6 (18:21)—Prayer plays such an important role in the Book of Nehemiah. That topic is covered as well as how as Christians we can sometimes live as slaves in the land God has given us. Kelly also interviews Linda Lethers from the Next Door ministry.
- Session 7 (13:37)—In this closing session, Kelly takes us on a final journey to Jerusalem. She reminds us of the promise in Revelation that points to a new Jerusalem that God will build with no tears and no poverty.
Often, idols are obvious—money, power, fame. But subtler idols can sometimes take the form of sweet loved ones, Instagramable interiors, and busy seasons of ministry.
But if your heart is prioritizing any of those pursuits before God, they are taking up space meant for Him alone.
In this 8-session study, learn to identify the functional gods you are serving daily and the lies they tell. Only when you learn to dethrone modern-day idols can you pursue a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Jesus.
DVD Set Includes:
- 2 DVDs with 8 enriching teaching videos, approximately 20-25 minutes per session
- Stop wasting time on the temporal, false gods, and invest in the eternal, one true God.
- Recognize the lies behind false gods, and learn to identify the Truth.
- Dethrone your modern-day idols, and experience the abundant life in Christ.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: (9:06)—Kelly Minter welcomes us to the No Other Gods revised and expanded Bible study from the Amazon River. Kelly reminds us that an idol is anything we put in our hearts before God or in place of Him. Don’t miss who God is for you.
- Session 2: (28:00)—Why does God long for us to be free from our gods and the things that steal our hearts from Him? After studying the Ten Commandments, we look at our hearts and at how false gods motivate us and also hold us back for being all God wants for us.
- Session 3: (26:00)—Why would we ever turn to anything less than Jesus? We often cover up our struggles instead of collapsing before the Lord and trusting Him. In this session, we see Hannah of the Old Testament collapse before the Lord and give Him all of herself and her son.
- Session 4: (28:30)—It is challenging to confront and contend with the idols and the lies that pull us away from God. The idea of our false gods is always better than the reality of them. We need to understand and know that the Lord really is better.
- Session 5: (32:50)—False gods leave us no hope but to drop our expectations. Learning from the examples of Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, we discover it is time to cease our striving after false gods that cannot satisfy our deepest needs and turn our affections only upon our one True God.
- Session 6: (23:40)—This week dives into Hebrews 11 and the walk of faith. Faith is believing that what God has called us to is infinitely better than what we are leaving behind.
- Session 7: (25:40)—We are looking for God to redeem us and to bring healing to our lives. However, he does not always bring those things in the way we would hope. Second 2 Kings 5 reminds us that God has His plans and purposes and they are not always what we would expect.
- Session 8: (33:40)—What Jesus desires for us is that we bear fruit. He set His followers apart to go and share the Gospel with others and bear quality fruit that is going to last. We bear much fruit when we remain in Christ and He remains in us.
Journey to Your Promised Land
A 7-Session Study from Priscilla Shirer
Every woman is on a journey. In looking carefully at the two Israelites (out of two million) who crossed over the Jordan and into the Promised Land, we find direction for our own spiritual lives. Expect to see God move in miraculous ways in your everyday existence.
HOW TO turn THE WORLD upside down
What if the path toward an extraordinary life is becoming more ordinary?
Ordinary is not a call to be more radical. If anything, it is a call to the contrary. The kingdom of God isn’t coming with light shows, and shock and awe, but with lowly acts of service. Tony Merida wants to push back against sensationalism and “rock star Christianity,” and help people understand that they can make a powerful impact by practicing ordinary Christianity.
Do you long for a genuine encounter with God? Through personal stories and scriptural insights, Margaret Feinberg invites you to experience a spiritual renewal. In The Organic God, Margaret explores breathtaking glimpses of God’s character– His big-heartedness, kindness, beauty, mystery, and more– inviting you to discover God in a healthy, refreshing way. Learn how to:
-Recognize God’s presence in your daily life
-Renew your passion for Scripture
-Discover healing from being hurt by the church
-See and savor the gifts of God all around
-Experience the joy that comes with being a child of God
Through the pages of The Organic God, those thirsting for more of God will find themselves falling in love with Him all over again.
Everything you need to promote a prayer ministry in your church
Challenging believers to reclaim the church as a house of prayer with a passion for lost people
This Resource Kit includes overhead cell masters, a CD ROM, and a guidebook. the CD contains a “read me first” file, a copy of the overhead cell masters, a PowerPoint presentation file, and a self executing PowerPoint presentation.
This guide prayerfully seeks:
- To identify ways to hear and respond to the call of God to pray.
- To encourage believers to seek the Holy Spirit for a prayer ministry strategy in an association or church that can be customized to their specific needs.
Every woman longs for someone to protect and care for her–someone to guide her when she’s not sure of her next steps, to provide rest when she’s worn out, to walk with her when the valley is dark. Join Jennifer Rothschild in her 7-session study of Psalm 23 as she explains how God is the Good Shepherd whose companionship provides the comfort and confidence every woman needs. No matter what season a woman finds herself in, she can release fear and trust the Shepherd’s goodness in every season of life.
Having more of Jesus in your life leads you into a world of unparalleled privilege.
In Pursuing More of Jesus (previously titled My Heart’s Cry), gifted Bible teacher and acclaimed conference speaker Anne Graham Lotz shows you how saturating your life with more of Jesus is the key to:
- restoring love to your marriage
- finding the antidote to fear
- discovering hope in your grief
- loving others with whom you are totally incompatible
- acquiring the courageous competency to speak out in a doubting world
- making your service to God more fruitful
Doors open, angels attend, mountains move, doubts disappear, and fears fade if we simply pursue Him.
The leader will benefit by having Dr. Leman’s personal insights into key principles and applications along with tips for motivating participants to think for themselves, then share with the group. Using this handy guide, the leader can lead Running the Rapids with complete confidence.
What does it mean to be a citizen of the kingdom of Heaven? The Sermon on the Mount articulates what the life of a Christ follower should look like, asking us the same questions it posed to its original hearers: How should a disciple relate to sin? To others? To the Law? How does a disciple think, speak, and act? In this 9-session study, examine the words of Jesus in-depth as He challenges us to think differently about repentance, salvation, and sanctification.
- Small-group experience for 9 sessions
- Teaching by author Jen Wilkin
- Personal study segments
Say yes to the dreams God has planted in your heart.
Every woman was born to dream—to live a life of beauty, passion, adventure, and purpose. No matter how big or how small they are, our dreams push us to become women of courage, grace, and grit. God in His goodness breathes new dreams within our hearts and revives the dreams that have died, inviting us to trust Him as we dream impossible dreams that only He can bring to pass—because God not only gives dreams; He fulfills them.
In this six-week study we will look at Moses’ journey to live out the God-sized dream given to him, exposing the ancient wisdom and truth God offers for every woman with a dream beating in her heart. With timely truth and encouraging accounts of God’s heart and hand in the life of Moses as well as in the lives of ordinary women, author Tiffany Bluhm will dare you to dream the impossible dreams the Lord is stirring in your heart, reclaim any broken dreams, and trust God for the victory. Throughout the study you will identify:
- The role of prayer as you grow into your dreams.
- The importance of obedience as you pursue what God has for you.
- Why your dreams are a blessing not only to you but also to others.
- How your failures can be a gift that help your dreams become a reality.
- The life-changing love, power, and wisdom of the Dream Giver.
Get ready to discover the role you are designed and destined to play as you partner with God for the impossible!
She Dreams Bible Study Features:
- Encourages readers to discover and follow their God-given dreams.
- Learn how to live a life of dreams with this study of prayer, obedience, and the wisdom of God.
- Helps readers discover the role they are destined to play through partnership with God.
- An encouraging account of Moses’ journey to live out the God-sized dream given to him.
There are times when worship overflows effortlessly from a heart full of gratitude and praise. And there are times when God seems far and we feel we have nothing to offer. Throughout it all, God shows us His steadfast love.
Psalm 107 is a call to worship. It reminds us that each season of life is an opportunity to reveal the anchor of our souls. In this 7-session Bible study, learn to face both storms and deserts with courage and trust in Jesus, and discover how tests in our journeys of faith reveal the true condition of our hearts. For there is no fear for the one who fears the Lord, the one whose soul is anchored in His steadfast love.
Leader Kit includes:
- One Bible study book with personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions and leader guide to lead discussion within small groups
- 2 DVDs with enriching teaching videos, approximately 6–15 minutes per session
- Card with 3 additional digital downloads of teaching videos
- Study Psalm 107 verse by verse.
- Learn to face each season of life with courage and trust in Jesus.
- Witness how God delights in setting you free, changing darkness into light, and bringing the dead to life.
- Discover how tests in your journey of faith reveal the true condition of your heart.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: A Call To Worship (12:30)—We are worshipers by design and nature. We were created to worship our Creator but there is an enemy who seduces us to worship other things and anchor our lives in false hopes.
- Session 2: The Desert (14:10)—He is working something in the desert, plucking false anchors, filling wells, tilling the soil of our hearts to receive seeds to bear fruit. Let Him do His work, but do not neglect to cry out for His help. We aren’t meant for the desert forever. He has a way out.
- Session 3: Chains (13:45)—God delights in setting you free. The broken record of bondage doesn’t have to keep playing. Cry out to the God Most High, The One who brings darkness to light and dead to life.
- Session 4: Folly (10:15)—This is the beginning of wisdom: when we rightly see the Lord in all His majesty and purity, acknowledge our sin against a holy God, and realize there is nowhere to turn but to Him. Folly is to know His Word without knowing Him.
- Session 5: The Storm (14:10)—The storm is scary. It tests our faith and reveals the true condition of our hearts. The storm reminds us that this life is not all there is. The storms only whet our appetite for the coming glory when we see Jesus face to face.
- Session 6: Gratitude (11:15)—Not all of our deserts, chains, folly, and storms are behind us. They will come again but don’t be discouraged. Each season is an opportunity to reveal the anchor of our souls. There’s no fear for the one who fears the Lord, for the one whose soul is anchored in His steadfast love.
- Session 7: Conclusion (6:15)—In this final Session of Steadfast Love, we are reminded that despite the desert, chains, folly, and storms of life, we are called to worship and live a life of gratitude toward God.
Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent – Leader Kit by Beth Moore, helps a leader facilitate this women’s Bible study of Psalms 120-134 and contains all that is needed to conduct the 6 weeks of small group time. Traveling pilgrims sang these psalms both on the way to the great festivals of the LORD and as key elements of the worship at those festivals. Just as a song or poem can express feelings of fear, doubt, hope, and joy, these 15 psalms model how we can voice our own petitions and praises to our God, who is always available and ready to hear us.
Explore the major feasts of Israel and journey with Beth through this 7-session study. Themes of unity, joy, gratitude, redemption, repentance, the power of blessings, facing ridicule, and more are explored in detail. Modern-day believers in Jesus Christ can learn much from these treasured Psalms in their journey toward greater intimacy with God.
Many men find it difficult to identify acts of courage while slogging through the daily challenges of home, work and community. Yet these are the very battlefields where courage is demanded of them every single day.
In this 10-session video series, Dennis Rainey, calls men to boldly forge into courageous manhood. Stepping Up defines courage throughout the five stages of manhood and commissions men to honestly evaluate where they stand in their duties of masculinity. Rainey then prepares men to bravely master their life purpose by developing a strategic plan and establishing a winning vision.
Do you ever feel like the happy ending of your story is a million miles away?
Then you know how the Jewish people felt when they returned to their wrecked land after exile and began rebuilding the temple. They were distracted, discouraged, and ready to throw in the towel. But the prophet Haggai reminded them they could find courage in the God who had never left them.
Sometimes the landscapes of our lives feel wrecked, with our hope and purpose in shambles. We too get distracted and discouraged. However, God’s presence and promises give us courage to press on and trust Him with our story.
In this 7-session study on the Book of Haggai, learn to walk confidently in your calling, stay motivated despite opposition, and courageously invest your life in God’s purposes, trusting Him for results you may never see in this lifetime.
Leader Kit includes:
- One Bible study book with personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions and leader helps to lead discussion within small groups
- DVDs with enriching teaching videos, approximately 25 minutes per session
- Card with 3 additional digital downloads of teaching videos
- Defeat discouragement through God’s presence, people, and Word.
- See beyond your current circumstances to a future hope.
- Learn to trust God more than your feelings.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: Haggai through Four Kings (25:39)—In the first teaching video, Jennifer introduces us to the Book of Haggai and uses four kings to set the context for the study.
- Session 2: Until Exile Ends (30:28)—In Session 2, Jennifer talks about how all of us have experienced exile of some kind. She then discusses some of the purposes of exile and how we can not only survive, but thrive during times of exile.
- Session 3: How to Deal with Samaritans (32:52)—The Jews who were trying to rebuild the temple faced opposition from enemies. In Session 3, Jennifer makes clear that people aren’t our enemies, but that our real enemy, Satan, can use people to hinder our relationship and work for God.
- Session 4: When Courage Leads to Discouragement (24:42)—Jennifer turns our attention to Jeremiah in the Session 4 video to show us how even doing the right thing can lead to discouragement. But she reminds us that no matter what we’re facing, we can always take courage because we are created, consecrated, and called by God.
- Session 5: Your Courage Confessions (27:28)—In the Session 5 video, Jennifer tells the story of Anna to show that what may seem like the most discouraging of circumstances can turn out to be the very thing God will use to bless you and help you know Him more deeply.
- Session 6: Grounded by the Weight of Glory (30:14)—In the Session 6 video, Jennifer tells the story of Isaiah seeing the Lord to remind us that in uncertain and discouraging moments of our lives God may reveal His glory to us like never seen before. And in those moments, we can take courage as God shows us who we are in light of who He is to cleanse and consecrate us for service.
- Session 7: Courageous Living 101 (28:51)—Jennifer wraps up the study in the Session 7 video by sharing the four “I cans” of a courageous woman. She gives a final invitation for us to take courage, exhorting us to live alert, stand firm, be courageous, and be strong.
Prayer Journeys Resource Kit
Put on your walking shoes. It’s time to reclaim our streets and neighborhoods for Christ! Taking Prayer to the Streets is an intentional coordinated effort to pray for and share Jesus with every person in a chosen geographical area or cultural community. It includes prayerwalking, biking, driving, flying, skating, and every other possible form of transportation. The material is designed to be covered in 12 sessions in either group or personal study. It explores the three aspects of developing an evangelistic prayer life in the heart of the church: becoming more faithful in prayer; prayerwalking and congregational involvement; and the strategies and principles of the Great Commission prayer. Taking Prayer to the Streets offers a simple plan and practical help for putting faith and prayer into practice.
All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.
But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.
The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.
- 6 weeks of personal study to be completed between 7 group sessions
- Includes perforated prayer cards that can be used to develop a prayer strategy
- Leader material (guides to questions and discussion with small group)
- 7 teaching videos, approximately 18–45 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in Bible study book for individual streaming access
- Equip women to get serious, specific, and strategic in their discipline of prayer.
- Turn challenges and discouragement into opportunities for prayer.
- Grow spiritually as you dig deeper into Scripture and expand your understanding of prayer.
- Develop and implement practical, purposeful prayer strategies.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: Sizing Up the Enemy (43:26)—Everything that occurs in the visible, physical world is directly connected to the wrestling match being waged in the invisible, spiritual world. We often give the enemy too much credit for being impossible to defend or defeat. Prayer is the divinely authorized method that activates our spiritual armor and makes it effective.
- Session 2: The Belt of Truth (41:22)—The belt of truth is your core support. It provides the essential backing you need when you’re in the midst of spiritual war. When you’re standing firm on the truth of God as revealed in His Word—when His truth is at the core of your existence—strength flows into every other area of your life.
- Session 3: The Breastplate of Righteousness (38:23)—Roman soldiers wore the breastplate to protect the upper body and especially the heart. Wearing the breastplate could mean the difference between life and death. What the breastplate did for the Roman soldier’s physical heart, righteousness does for your spiritual heart.
- Session 4: The Shoes of Peace (41:06)—Of all the things the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy in your life, peace is almost always at or near the top of his list. Anywhere peace is lacking, the enemy is at work. We can’t always control the kind of ground we’re forced to march across. But we can still move forward when our feet are fitted with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
- Session 5: The Shield of Faith (35:50)—Faith is one of the most overused and yet underutilized expressions in Christian circles. However, talking about faith is not the same as having it. Faith is an action. By definition, faith is not talking about or thinking about or even celebrating God’s truth. It is the process of adapting your behavior, your decisions, and ultimately your whole lifestyle so it accords with what He has asked you to do—without needing to see the evidence that it will all work out in the end.
- Session 6: The Helmet of Salvation (40:54)—The salvation experience is often reduced to something that only affects a person’s eternal destiny. However, salvation is meant to come with more than future benefits. Salvation is not just a past event; it is also a present reality. The fact that Jesus lives means our salvation flows into the every day experiences where we live.
- Session 7: The Sword of the Spirit (18:19)—Ephesians 6:17 is clear: The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. As the believer puts on the full armor of God it includes this weapon that may be used for defense or offense against the schemes and lies of the enemy. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon for life.
Heroes of the Old Testament
Borrowing from best-selling studies by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Lisa Harper, Kelly Minter, and Jennifer Rothschild, this 5-session study explores crucial moments in the lives of five Old Testament figures—Esther, Gideon, Malachi, Nehemiah, and Hosea. Through their stories, discover how God uses the lives of ordinary people for His glory and the good of His people. Strengthen your faith as you walk alongside these larger-than-life figures who all chose to obey God no matter the circumstances.
- One Bible study book with personal study segments to complete between 5 weeks of group sessions and leader guide to lead discussion within small groups
- 2 DVDs with enriching teaching videos, approximately 25-60 minutes per session
- Card with 3 additional digital downloads of teaching videos
- Preview full-length studies from best-selling Lifeway Women authors.
- Engage in Bible study during busy seasons with these stand-alone sessions.
- Dive deep into Old Testament character studies.
- Find encouragement to live a bold, faithful life in obedience to God.
- Motivate yourself to further study stories from the Old Testament.
Video Sessions:
- Introduction (2:34)
- Session 1: Gideon by Priscilla Shirer: Judges 6:11-13(43:32)—God is more interested in changing your heart than He is in changing your circumstances. Priscilla explores how God positions His people for His purposes.
- Session 2: Nehemiah by Kelly Minter: Nehemiah 2:11–4:15(23:04)—The message and sacrifice in Nehemiah is not just for other people, it is for us. It is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance and leads us to love others better.
- Session 3: Esther by Beth Moore: Esther 4:1-17(1:05:32)—Test how much you believe God about who you are and the position you hold. Esther goes through changes to move her from self-preservation to brave determination.
- Session 4: Hosea by Jennifer Rothschild: Hosea 2 and 3 (32:07)—We are prone to wander away from God. Men, women, the church, people have done this for centuries: lost their first love. The problem is a lack of knowledge and avoiding the temptation to put activity for God in place of relationship with Him
- Session 5: Malachi by Lisa Harper: Malachi 1:2-5 (27:40)—This session is all about the power of God’s grace and God’s definitive declaration of love for His people. Our Redeemer loves broken people.
THE FORGE Bible Study DVD Set includes video teaching from authors Alex and Stephen Kendrick for all five Bible study sessions. A digital version of the videos is available through purchase of the Bible Study Book or eBook. The DVD Set is recommended for individuals or groups that have unreliable internet access or simply prefer having a physical copy of the videos.
Jesus focused His time and attention on walking with God and making disciples. Shouldn’t we?
In His wisdom, He chose to invest deeply in the lives of twelve men. He saw them, called them, taught them, saved them, then sent them into the world to bear witness to what He had done for them.
This five-week small group study uses featured clips from the new Kendrick brothers’ movie, THE FORGE, to ignite a passion for knowing Christ personally, following Him sacrificially, obeying Him willingly, and helping others become disciples of Christ.
The world doesn’t need another strategy, it needs men and women who are devoted to Jesus and committed to helping others know and follow Him through lifelong discipleship.
Session Topics:
- Seeing Like Jesus
- Giving Like Jesus
- Leading Like Jesus
- Investing Like Jesus
- Sending Like Jesus
- Five small group video sessions featuring clips from the movie THE FORGE
- Learn the simple, reproducible approach to discipleship that can be embraced by all Christians.
- Move believers to become active and growing disciples.
- See what it looks like to begin and invest in discipleship relationships for the first time.
- Hear a clear gospel presentation and see how the gospel is central to the process of discipleship.
- Recognize the cost of following Jesus and be inspired to give up all that hinders you from fully surrendering to Christ.
- Pursue Jesus with other believers in community.
- Find grace, forgiveness, prayer, and accountability in the community of other believers.
- Seek to be a disciple who makes disciples by inviting others into the same kind of discipleship relationship that you’ll discover through this study.
The Insanity of Obedience Bible Study Book includes small-group experiences for six sessions, weekly individual-study opportunities, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” and tips for leading a group.
How do we begin to walk and work with God, especially in dangerous places? Based on the documentary The Insanity of God, this Bible study presents missionary Nik Ripken sharing true stories of people who are suffering for the name of Jesus.
This study is an invitation to open your heart, your mind, and your eyes to the realities of walking with Jesus in difficult places. Engage with Scripture and see what it means to be a true follower of Jesus, not just someone who believes certain truths. Discover the answers to key missiological and theological questions about living sacrificially for the cause of Christ.
Believers play a significant role in God’s divine purpose. Observe how Christians all over the world are not only surviving but also thriving in the midst of persecution.
Session Content:
1) Missions
This session deals with God’s command to be on mission and our response to His command. The Bible is to be lived out in the present active tense.
2) Persecution
This session explores faith in persecution and suffering. Is obedience on this level insane, especially in the midst of popular theology that encourages obedience leading to success and comfort?
3) Family
This session deals with the spread of the gospel by addition and exponential growth. Faith grows in families and communities, from a single believer to small groups of believers to succeeding generations.
4) Growth
This session deals with the dynamics of healthy growth.
5) Victory
This session describes and celebrates the miracle of victorious living through an enduring faith—especially in hostile environments.
6) Church
This session is a summary and personal call to action for individuals, groups, and churches to join God’s mission—no matter how insane obedience may look. Why? Because Jesus is worth it.
• Biblically rooted and gospel-centered
• Firsthand accounts in the author’s voice
• Individual-study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
• Group and personal components
• Confront the misconception that church membership is the same as following Jesus.
• See that the Bible’s commands are nonnegotiable.
• Break the grip of the seduction of comfort and ask Christians to face the question, Who is Jesus, and is He worth my life?
• Put aside programs and practices to insert missional sacrifice and calling into the normal rhythms of church culture.
• Give group members examples of ways to identify and respond to God’s call on their lives.
• Show believers how best to respond when persecution comes.
• Demonstrate to groups that the bar of Christianity has become low in Western culture.
• Reveal the Bible as nonnegotiable.
• Lead believers to the conclusion that telling people about Jesus is normal Christianity.
• Celebrate the miracle of victorious living.
• Explore faith in persecution and suffering.
• Provide a means to find courage from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
• Explore the dynamics of the personal call to action for individuals, groups, and churches to join God’s mission.
This lecture series is an overview of the book of Deuteronomy, about blessings and cursings, the law, the fulfillment of the law through Christ, the importance of fellowship at the table, and more. Key verse: And He brought us out from there, that He might bring us in and give us the land that He swore to give to our fathers. Deuteronomy 6:23 (ESV)
Inspiring, encouraging, and practical, this classic book shows how you can measure up to Christ’s fullness as a husband, father, and mentor to other men. The Measure of a Man has taught hundreds of thousands of men around the world how to live according to God’s direction–faithfully, lovingly, and spiritually.
Journey Through Genesis 12-50
An 11-Session Study from Beth Moore
Discover God’s pursuit of relationship and the unfolding of His earthly plan: How through one nation–and ultimately one man–all people on earth will be blessed. The Patriarchs is a journey through Genesis 12-50. Explore concepts such as blessing, covenant, and promise, and the bearing each has on a New Testament believer’s life today.
Why is it often easier to pray for our spouses, our children, and our friends than it is to pray for ourselves? God wants to hear our requests for our lives, too. How He must love for us to come to Him for the things we need! How eager He must be to help us become the women we’ve always longed to be!
With a hear full of new thoughts and fresh insights, I invite you to join me in this study as we learn to trust God with the concerns of our hearts and discover the awesome power that prayer releases as we make it a priority in our lives.
There Is No Quest Without Questions
The crooked punctuation mark at the end of a sentence speaks of curiosity, interest, and perhaps doubt. A question is an invitation to vulnerability, to intimacy. The Bible does not shy away from such an invite. Over and over we see the people of God asking questions of their Creator. We also see the God of the universe asking questions of His creation.
The Quest is a challenge to accept the invitation. In this six-week excursion with Jesus, Beth Moore uses questions from Scripture to lead you into intimacy with the One who knows you best. Learn to dig into the Word, to respond to the questions of God, and to bring your questions before Him. Let the crooked punctuation mark be the map that points you into a closer relationship with the Father.
- Learn to pray to promote intimacy with God.
- Explore questions and responses from the Bible.
- Track your quest by journaling along the way.
- Learn to read and respond to Scripture.
Creating a legacy of faith…
Lisa Welchel combines her love for God’s Word and her enthusiasm for scrapbooking to help women sow spiritual seeds in the next generation…and beyond.
This is my Story is a fun rewarding adventure that guides women in creating keepsake “storybooks” that tell of God’s love and faithfulness. Through daily Bible study and journaling activities, women remember and record the significant faith stories and spiritual markers of their lives. Then they come together once a week for a time of fellowship, faith-sharing, and scrapbooking. After listening to the stories of Lisa and Her MomTime friends on DVD, participants share their own stories and build lasting friendships as they work on their storybooks together.
By the end of the study, each woman has a beautiful storybook that will be a treasured heirloom for children, grandchildren, or other loved ones. And this storybook, which tells of her personal walk with God, will have the power to change lives for generations to come.
You will need to purchase scrapbook materials.
See How You Can Live Fully As A Servant To Christ
An 11-Session Study from Beth Moore
More than any other person, Paul provides us an example of sold-out servanthood. He understood what it means to die daily, crucified with Jesus Christ. As a result, Paul shows us how to live fully as a bond servant to Christ. As you study the Book of Acts and the Letters of Paul, you will come to know the characters personally. Most of all you will feel the challenge to follow Paul’s example just as he followed the example of Christ.
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” —Colossians 3:16a
Many of us want God’s Word to dwell richly in us, but life can get in the way.
We’d never intentionally write chapters of confusion, failure, loss, pain, conflict, or suffering into our stories. No one plans to wrestle with her identity in Christ, to struggle to love her husband, to feel lonely in ministry, or to feel helpless in motherhood. Yet we often find ourselves in these seasons, struggling to embrace the gospel hope we need to fill our discouraged souls.
Join Ruth Chou Simons in this 7-session study of the book of Colossians as she leads us through a practice of preaching gospel truth to ourselves by studying Paul’s example. In every changing season of life, we can rest in God’s character, rehearse our identity in Christ, respond in faith, and remember God’s provision for us. In today’s culture, there’s no shortage of self help, easy fixes, and worldly advice, but only the truth of God’s Word was meant to fill you up and satisfy you fully.
- Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
- Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions
- Beautiful full-color interior to enhance user experience
- Scripture recommendations to help you preach truth to yourself
- 7 teaching videos, approximately 10 minutes per session, available via redemption code printed in Bible study book for individual streaming access
- Trade the lies found in culture, our minds, and our hearts for the truth of God’s Word.
- Experience a beautiful, accessible theology.
- Understand how to apply Scripture to your own life.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1 (9:55)—In this introductory session, Ruth explains how the practice of preaching truth to her own heart became so important in her spiritual growth. She also walks us through the seasons of the heart that we’ll be studying and quickly unpacks why the book of Colossians will be so integral to our time in TruthFilled.
- Session 2 (8:19)—Everyday some sort of message runs through our hearts and minds—we can choose to set our hearts on God’s Word and dwell on life-giving truths. Ruth also helps us understand how all right actions come out of right belief about God—who He is and what He has done for His children.
- Session 3 (6:37)—As we unpack the winter season of the heart, when we have to trust God’s unseen work because very little is blooming, Ruth reminds us that resting in God’s character is the only way to have peace and flourish in this life, no matter our circumstances.
- Session 4 (7:51)—In the spring season of the heart, we rehearse who God says we are, all based on who we know God to be. When we practice preaching the truth to ourselves, we nourish our souls and help ourselves thrive in our God-given identities as His children.
- Session 5 (8:59)—The summer season of the heart prompts us to respond in faith to God’s Word. As we look at Colossians 3:5-14, Ruth discusses the importance of putting off fleshly practices and putting on the character of Christ to walk in the new life God has given us and bear fruit.
- Session 6 (5:02)—The fall season reminds us of the need to trust God’s provision for us when times of rest come. As we close our study of the book of Colossians, Ruth points out how integral the community of faith around each of us is in our perseveraance in the faith and continued encouragement.
- Session 7 (6:37)—In this final commissioning session, Ruth celebrates our progress and challenges us to make the practice of preaching truth to our own hearts a regular part of our everyday lives. If we apply our hearts and minds to God’s truth, He’ll transform us by it—more and more into the image of Christ. He’ll also help us to walk in accordance with His will.
Lessons Learned in the Dark
Walking by Faith: Lessons Learned in the Dark. She lost her eyesight as a teen, but gained something much more valuable … spiritual insight. This popular Bible study by Jennifer Rothschild (over 250,000 sold) contrasts the evidences of walking by faith and walking by sight and encourages participants to take risks, give God control, persevere through hardship, receive God’s gifts, be guided by the Truth rather than feelings, and seek God. Contains Six weeks of personal daily Bible study (approx. 30 minutes per day) and Leader’s Facilitator Guide to be used with the optional but recommended video series by the same name. Video series includes 7 teaching segments from author and speaker Jennifer Rothschild.
A study of Philippians
The world has always been full of trials, disappointments, temptations, fractured friendships, and financial hardships. Yet Paul’s letter to the Philippians claims we can discover contentment and joy in the midst of it all by prioritizing what matters most—Christ.
Over 7 sessions, study the ever-relevant Letter of Philippians to deepen your relationship with Jesus, turn your worries into worship, and develop gospel-centered tools for navigating relational conflict and thriving in Christian love.
Leader Kit Includes:
- One Bible study book with personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions and leader guide to lead discussion within small groups
- 2 DVDs with enriching teaching videos, approximately 18–26 minutes per session
- Card with 3 additional digital downloads of teaching videos
- Learn to live in joy despite your circumstances.
- Unearth the secret of contentment—knowing Christ.
- Banish anxiety by implementing biblical practices to rest in the peace of Christ.
- Prioritize the Lord above all else.
- Develop gospel-centered tools to navigate relational conflict.
Video Sessions:
- Session 1: (35:53)—In Session 1, Karen introduces the letter to the Philippians by sharing background on Philippi, how the church was started there, and Paul’s reason for writing the letter. She also jumps into the text, sharing truths from the first eleven verses.
- Session 2: (39:50)—One of the most familiar verses in Philippians is Paul’s declaration in 1:21 – “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” In Session 2, Karen takes us deep into that verse and the verses surrounding as she unpacks Philippians 1:20-30.
- Session 3: (35:02)—In Session 3, Karen covers all of Philippians 2. She focuses on Paul’s plea to the church to live in unity, urging them to reflect the attitude of Christ as they “shine like stars” in the world.
- Session 4: (28:00)—Some of the most powerful passages in Philippians are found in chapter three. Karen will challenge our priorities as she points out Paul’s laser focus on knowing Jesus above all else and the need for us to forget what’s behind and press forward to what God has for us.
- Session 5: (31:08)—Karen covers the first nine verses of Philippians 4 in Session 6, insisting that we turn our worry into worship by praying with thanksgiving about what’s causing anxiety to rise within us. She’ll also turn our thoughts to our thoughts, examining Paul’s command for us to park our minds on things that are good and holy.
- Session 6: (29:40)—In Session 6, Karen digs into the last part of Philippians, including probably the most often quoted verse in the letter, Philippians 4:13 – “I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.” She’ll tackle that verse in the context of helping us discover the secret to being content.
- Session 7: (11:22)—Karen gives a closing challenging by sharing the story of Anthony, whose life transformation reflects the truths we’ve discovered in Philippians.
When Godly People Do Ungodly Things
In this biblical guide to authentic repentance and restoration, Beth examines why devoted followers of Jesus Christ can fall into the traps of Satan. Christians are still subject to Satan’s attacks. He is determined to disrupt the lives of believers, destroy their ministry, and steal their joy. Sadly, those who have “fallen” may not recognize the devil’s schemes until they have already been caught in a snare of defeat. This six-week Bible study is written in three parts. The first part is a warning to believers, while the second part shows women how to prepare for attacks by the Enemy. The third part is directed to those who have been snared by seduction, and compassionately points the way back to God.
- Session Introduction: In the introductory session, Beth examines God’s plan for creation and how humans have become trapped by Satan’s ploys and looks at ways to avoid “ungodly things.” (36:27)
- Session 1: The Warning. Beth explains the four common ways that the Enemy attacks and God’s response to these methods. The Enemy can attack people who are purely devoted to God; thus, we must all stand guard against him and look out for his attacks. (31:52)
- Session 2: God’s Permissive Will. Beth looks at how God prepares His believers for the end times. Sometimes the only way to ready a believer is through allowing them to participate in spiritual warfare. We must learn how to use the sword of the Spirit to battle the Enemy in these times of sifting in our lives. (35:00)
- Session 3: The Watchman. Beth looks at Scripture for a picture of what a seduce-proofed believer’s life looks like. (31:00)
- Session 4: Wise Up. Beth stresses the importance of relationships within the body of Jesus Christ and how they help ward off Satan’s schemes. (34:00)
- Session 5: The Way Home. Beth tells the story of “Had,” representing everyone who’s been seduced by the Devil. Can you forgive yourself? Is that even a legitimate question? Discover true forgiveness through Jesus Christ. (36:00)
- Session 6: Safe in His Embrace. Beth looks at John 8 for instructions on how the body of Christ should treat a repentant believer. Beth discusses ways to detox, deprogram, and reprogram your mind with the truth of God’s Word. (40:00)